Share Your Spirit – Chanukah 5773

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Dear Kosher Spirit,
I loved reading "Keeping Kosher in Buckingham Palace". Thank you for sharing this interesting article with us fans of all things royal.

Dear Kosher Spirit,
Thank you for the recent Kosher Spirit, it’s very exciting and informative. The picture on page 16 struck a chord with me and I’d like to hang it in my sukkah. I was wondering if you could send it to me by e-mail.
Thank you,
YS, Monsey

OK Certified “SportStrings” Tzitzis have been receiving compliments from around the world since their debut last year!

SportStrings Tzitzis

"I have now been wearing the Sport Strings Tzitzit for a couple weeks. They are very well made, and hold up well and keep pretty cool even under the hot sun here in Afghanistan. I am very pleased! Thank you so much and keep up the great work!!"
David D. Stanton
US Contractor—Deployed, Afghanistan

"My son absolutely loves the tzizit—he said he is never taking them off except to shower—and he wants to sleep in them. I told him to take them off before bed…turns out he slept in them!!!"
A mother in Teaneck, NJ

"Super. It’s got a great feel"
A lawyer from New Jersey

"Ari has not taken them off yet. 24 hours and counting."
Father of a basketball player

"They are amazing."
Young professional in Cleveland, OH

"I am the father of Eli. I want to tell you a quick story—last night Eli played basketball at our local yeshiva. He used the Sport Strings tzizit, which is the first time he wore tzizit while playing basketball. In addition, he normally doesn’t wear a yarmulke when he plays. Last night before we went to the Yeshiva, he said, ‘I took clips because I don’t think it is right to play basketball in the Yeshiva without wearing a yarmulke.’

There is no doubt in my mind that it is your influence that made him decide to wear a yarmulke."
A father in Connecticut

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