Get certified in 5 simple steps

A time-tested framework that has helped 600,000+ products meet our exacting kosher standards, easily and efficiently.
On average, this process generally takes several weeks, start-to-certified.

1 Application
2 Initial Consult
3 Quote
4 Site Walkthrough & Ingredient Screening
5 Agreement
6 Congratulations - you’re certified!


Your completed application will help us pair you with just
the right Rabbinic Coordinator (RC) from our team of
experts — someone knowledgeable and experienced
with your particular industry and unique food production process.


Initial Consult

Your assigned RC will reach out to learn about your production process and to
outline the basics of OK kosher certification. During your consultation, you’ll
outline what your goals and expectations are with regard to kosher.
Your rabbi will be happy to answer any questions you may have about starting and
maintaining your kosher facility, and can advise you on the best decisions to make in
order to operate according to kosher requirements. This is also your company’s
opportunity to ask any questions regarding the procedures of kosher



You’ll receive a quote in the form of an annual fee. This usually covers
your entire kosher certification package including the year-round visits.
OK Kosher fees are flat — they aren’t based on how many products you have,
or on the size of your output, but on the overall certification program
you’ll need. We’ll determine your fee based on the scope of work that’s
required from us to certify your company to the highest standards in the industry.


Site Walkthrough & Ingredient Screening

With your go-ahead, one of our New Certification Specialists will walk you through
the process of submitting the needed information about your raw materials
and ingredients. Simultaneously, we’ll arrange for a visit to your facility to observe the
operations. Your RC will make all the necessary plans and procedures to create and
maintain a kosher setup for your production, with both the utmost level of kosher
standards and your company’s benefit in mind. He’ll also train your staff to facilitate
the upkeep of your “kosher program” in the easiest way possible.

Watch our video on the ingredient screening process


Following your site walkthrough, we’ll draft and send you your official contract.
This will include the terms and conditions as well as payment required
to finalize the kosher certification process and maintain your certification program.

Sign, return, and you’re good to go!


Congratulations - you’re certified!

Your company will now receive its OK Kosher certificates, granting you the
right to display our registered, trademarked OK symbol on certified products
and marketing materials.

At this point, you’ll be assigned an Account Rep – your dedicated contact
here at OK Kosher, who will assist you with any needs you may have
pertaining to your kosher profile, on an ongoing basis.

Your certified products will be listed in the OK Kosher Product Search, on
our website, and in our various consumer media outlets. Enjoy the exposure
and recognition from having a well trusted kosher symbol!


Your privacy.
Our priority.

We understand the resources you’ve poured into developing
your proprietary processes, recipes, and sources.
We’re committed to safeguarding the trust you place in us.

Our Confidentiality Promise

One fee.
Everything you need.

Our flat-fee pricing covers certifying your facility. This fee covers all necessary components of each certification.
A base administrative cost needed for timely and professional service
from the top-caliber professionals at our offices. This varies by
company, based on their specific needs and requirements.
The frequency and cost of conducting customized inspections to each
facility site being supervised. Location plays a part in this calculation.

What’s included?

  • OK Symbol License
  • Certification Audits
  • Ongoing, Personalized Service
  • Client Advocacy & Promotion

Guidance is always just a call or click away

Dedicated, Knowledgeable Rep

Who knows you and your facility’s needs and guidelines inside out.

Seasoned Manufacturing Experts

Offering keen insights and advice in kosherizing even the most complex
production processes.

User-Friendly Plant Manual

With clear, detailed, and easy-to-follow guidelines and instructions.

Client Portal

Offering keen insights and advice in kosherizing even the most complex
production processes.

Ingredient & Product Database

Offering keen insights and advice in kosherizing even the most complex
production processes.

Food production is technical.
So is the team.

The breadth of our team’s acumen lies far beyond Torah law. Each of our rabbinical coordinators is adept in the detailed technicalities of the food production processes.


New Certifications Specialist

Walks you through process of getting certified, from application to onboarding


Rabbinic Coordinators

Your designated rabbi who designs your kosher program, visits your premises annually, and answers your questions about kosher


Field Representative

Visits your site throughout the year to see that your kosher program is being carried out smoothly


Account Representative

A dedicated representative always on call to answer any questions or concerns and to help with any technical issues

Whatever your industry, wherever you are

With reps is 99 countries, and regional offices across 6 continents, wherever your facility is, we’re there with you.


Ingredients & Additives

At the B2B levels, we help you earn the kosher certification you need in ingredients, including additives, chemicals, flavors and fragrances.


Retail Products

From consumer packaged goods to private label products, OK Kosher is here to help you get certified.



Global supply is an OK Kosher specialty. From Shipping to trucking, we’ll help you get the kosher compliance documentation you need.


Food Service

OK Kosher certifies 150+ restaurants and eateries throughout North America and the Caribbean islands.



Kosher certifying wine is a complex and nuanced process. The OK Kosher team is here to help you earn your kosher seal.



What does it mean to be kosher certified?

Kosher certification is the process by which experts in kosher law - usually rabbis - verify that products are made in accordance with kosher law. It DOES NOT mean products were blessed by a rabbi. The certifying agency tracks and monitors this status through record-keeping of processes and ingredients, as well as periodic audits to the manufacturing facility. Learn more and educate your team: Kosher 101 Slide Decks for Food Companies and What is Kosher Certification?.

May we display the kosher symbol on our product packaging?

Yes, but-- only once your company is certified. The OK symbol is a registered trademark, and your company may proudly display the OK Kosher symbol on your packaging and marketing materials as soon as we grant you your official kosher certificates.

What’s the difference amongst all the kosher certifications? There are so many!

Different agencies have different standards and symbols. There are thousands of kosher certification symbols worldwide, making it essential to understand the difference between the local ones and the global ones, the lesser-known ones and the established ones. Get to know OK Kosher by browsing our leading industry blog.

How much does kosher certification cost?

To determine your fee, we'll calculate the cost of making the needed visits and maintaining your program - nothing more. In contrast to other types of food certifications, OK Kosher annual fees are independent of your company's size, production volume or sales numbers. It's a single, annual payment, sometimes with additional costs for specially supervised production runs. Read the details on how we determine fees.

What is the cost to certify a small startup?

There's no difference in how we price out certification for large companies or small ones. The factors we consider include product types, ingredients, equipment status, audit frequency needed and facility location(s). Again, your company's size, production volume or sales do not play a role in pricing.

How much will it cost to add new products at my certified facility?

New product certification is included in your annual fee. As long as the new product doesn't increase the number of visits required at your facility, and doesn't substantially increase the administrative work needed on behalf of your company, we won't charge you more. In cases where the new approval will cause a change in visit frequency or fees, your Account Representative will contact you before the product is approved to discuss next steps and options.

What does the process of getting kosher certified look like?

It's 5 simple steps: 1. Submit your application for certification. 2. Have a phone consultation from a Rabbinic Coordinator to discuss your manufacturing process. 3. Receive a comprehensive quote for your company’s certification. 4. Arrange a facility visit and submit your ingredients for evaluation. 5. Sign the certification agreement, pay initial fees, receive your kosher certificates and gain rights to display the trusted OK symbol on your products!

How long does it take to get kosher certified?

The timeframe for certification varies, but typically takes a few weeks to a couple of months to initially certify a company. Keep in mind, however, that kosher certification maintenance is an ongoing commitment.

What's required of the manufacturer?

Manufacturers seeking kosher certification must provide us with accurate product, ingredient and process information. Once you start a kosher program, you may only use approved, kosher ingredients in the products we certify for your company. You’ll also need to follow kosher rules and guidelines, including preventing cross-contamination. We specify these in detail in the kosher certification agreement, specifically for your company. Your manufacturing sites will also undergo inspections to verify that everything is running smoothly and according to our agreement.

Are products guaranteed certification if they are already kosher?

If your company already uses kosher ingredients, it certainly helps streamline the process. However, all applicant companies, including those with existing kosher practices or experience, must undergo a full screening process. The evaluation considers all relevant data and manufacturing processes to determine your company's eligibility and requirements.

Can shared kitchen spaces get certified?

Maybe. Shared or co-operative kitchens may qualify for kosher certification if the equipment used for your production is exclusively dedicated to your products. Contact us for a consultation to discuss your setup and explore possibilities in manufacturing co-ops and community kitchens.

Can we get certified for repacking products at home?

No. We don't accept applications for manufacturing or repacking in residential kitchens. Our industrial certification is limited to commercial facilities with strict adherence to safety as well as ingredient and equipment tracking.

What does the certification renewal process look like?

We issue kosher certificates with a one-year expiration from the commencement date of your contract. Your OK Kosher Account Rep will keep track of your program to ensure timely renewal. We've perfected a system that renews your certificates easily and on-time with your cooperation.

Can we use the certification to attract more customers?

Definitely. Many consumers actively seek out kosher-certified products for their quality and transparency.

Do you certify private label companies?

Yes. OK Kosher is proud to provide certification for many of the world's most popular and recognized private label companies. Learn how to get private label products kosher certified.

Can non-food products be kosher certified?

Yes. Non-food products can be kosher certified. These can include disposables, cosmetics, medications, cleaning products and more. Some retailers and wholesalers prefer kosher certified products over non-certified ones.

Is OK Kosher certification recognized internationally?

Yes! The OK symbol is widely recognized and respected internationally, signifying strict kosher standards. We're one of the oldest kosher certification bodies in history, and pioneered many of the standards held to in the industry to date. Learn about our company history.