Meet Our Staff – Rabbi Dovid Kuravskiy

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KS: Where did you grow up? Where did you go to yeshiva?
DK:I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. Soon after my bar mitzvah, my parents sent me to Israel, where I learned in Chabad yeshivos in Lod and Tsfas. Later, I joined the yeshiva in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. I studied for semicha in Venice, Italy.

KS: What did you do after yeshiva?
DK: I got married in 2000 and learned in kollel for about a year. Then my wife and I moved to Southeast Florida where I taught in a small school for Chabad children from nearby communities.

KS: What is your current position at the OK?
DK: I am the manager of the Data Entry department at the OK headquarters office. My main responsibility is to ensure that the information submitted by OK-certified companies is entered into our database correctly, accurately, and in a timely manner. Generally, this includes the ingredients that are purchased and used in the facilities and the products that the companies produce, re-package or sell.

The computer system that we use is very complex and it gets updated often with new features, so I also make sure to know the system well, in order to train new employees and help the existing team members resolve any issues. In addition, since the food manufacturers use specialized language when communicating with the office, people who are unfamiliar with the terminology may easily get confused. I help translate the customer’s requests into layman’s terms and explain how to fit the requests into our database.

KS: What prepared you the most for your current position at the OK?
DK: My parents’ upbringing and education, their constant push to learn more and to teach others, as well as learning in yeshiva were the biggest preparation. Torah learning sharpens one’s mind and teaches one how to analyze information and explain it to someone else. When I was a teacher, I quickly realized that memorizing things is not enough; the real test is to apply it in action or explain it to others. All of this, along with some math & computer skills and being detail oriented, enables me to do my job.

KS: What is best thing about working at the OK?
DK: Even though Rabbi Levy heads an organization that is involved with companies around the globe, he still relates to everyone in the office on a personal level. The management cares and shows appreciation for employees and the atmosphere is warm and feels like family because everyone is always ready to help others. Over the years here I’ve learned a lot about food manufacturing, customer service and how to work together as a team towards one goal.

KS: How would you describe the OK today?
DK: The OK uses cutting edge technology to combine top level customer service with the highest standards in kashrus. While we constantly work to raise the bar and look to improve areas that need improvement, the OK also enables its employees to succeed in what they do.

KS: Tell us something interesting about you that we don’t know.
DK: The OK uses cutting edge technology to combine top level customer service with the highest standards in kashrus. While we constantly work to raise the bar and look to improve areas that need improvement, the OK also enables its employees to succeed in what they do.

KS: Can you share an interesting experience that you had while working at the OK?
DK: My position does not involve travel so I am familiar with the food manufacturing companies only through seeing their data and an occasional phone conversation with their employees. Several years ago, I came along with a rabbi and a customer service representative from our office to visit a large flavor factory. I imagined it would be a noisy place with machines clunking and workers running back and forth, but when we arrived it was relatively quiet. What surprised me, though, was the unbelievable scent in the air – a mix of hundreds of different flavors and fragrances that are constantly produced there. I imagine that it’s not easy to work in such a place!


What Other People Say About Rabbi Dovid Kuravskiy

“Our data entry is the basis of our well known system. It is basically our lifeline. Dovid has been in charge of this area for many years. Most employees at the OK have gone through his rigorous training. Dovid is well aware that the slightest mix-up can have serious repercussions. With Dovid in charge, we can be assured that the best possible oversight is in place and our data is precise and accurate.”
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy, Kashrus Administrator

“Dovid’s fundamental message to anyone he trains (and he has personally trained practically everyone) is to “understand what’s going on and more importantly, understand the impact of any change” and that approach fits so perfectly into OK Kosher’s “obsession” with getting the details right. He is a quiet Ish Hachessed who enjoys helping others get the job done and is always there to ensure that customers and mashgichim have the correct information that they rely on.”
Rabbi Eli Lando, Chief Customer Relations Officer

“Dovid Kuravskiy is one of the most dedicated people I have had the pleasure of being associated with throughout my professional career.

Dovid and I have worked together for the past 8 years and I am constantly amazed with the innovative solutions he brings to the table to solve complex data issues.

Dovid is the backbone of OK Kosher’s Data Department and is acknowledged as such throughout the Agency and much of OK Kosher’s success can be attributed to his commitment and loyalty.”
Eli Methal, Operations Manager

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