Sarajevo Haggadah

The World’s Oldest Haggadah
The Sarajevo Haggadah is the oldest Haggadah in existence. Printed in 1350 in Spain, it is handwritten on calfskin and has 34 pages of illustrations.

The Haggadah was saved from the Spanish & Italian Inquisitions and was sold to the Bosnian government in 1894. Sometime before it was acquired by the government, the Haggadah was owned by a private citizen whose daughter scribbled her school notes on some of the pages. The Nazis (ym”s) tried to seize the Haggadah during WWII, but it was hidden by a Muslim museum curator who later returned it to the Bosnian government.

The Haggadah is on display in the National Museum in Sarajevo and is valued at $700 million.

Sarajevo Haggadah

World’s Largest Matzah Ball
Made in a New Jersey kosher restaurant in 2009, it weighed 267 pounds and measured 29.2" in diameter!

Sarajevo Haggadah

World’s Largest Hand-made Matzah
Made in Yerushalayim in 2010, it measured aprox. 9.8 feet tall and 10.5 feet wide! The giant matzah was baked at the Irenstein Matzah Bakery in Ashdod, and was kosher for Passover. Forty people participated in the baking, including two rappellers who made the all-important matzah holes.

It weighed 132 lbs., and was made of 110 lbs. of flour and 23.2 quarts of water.