Alon Rozenshein, the OK mashgiach at Glatt Kosher Family restaurant, recently experienced a medical emergency while on duty, but put his responsibility to kosher consumers before his own health!

The OK Restaurant Coordinator relates the following story: "I got a phone call from the mashgiach at Glatt Kosher Family. He was breathing heavily and he said, "Rabbi, I don’t know what to do." "What happened?" I asked. He said, "Hatzalah is here. Apparently I lost consciousness, the restaurant called Hatzalah, and they want to take me to the hospital, but I cannot leave until we have a replacement mashgiach, what should I do?" At this point, I dispatched a new mashgiach and Alon waited 45 minutes until the new mashgiach came. Alon stayed overnight in the hospital for testing and to regain his strength. Thank G-d he is doing better and has returned to his position as mashgiach.

A consumer at the restaurant later contacted the OK to express his amazement at Alon’s dedication to kashrus. "I was in Glatt Kosher Family when the mashgiach lost consciousness and Hatzalah was called. Hatzalah treated the mashgiach and urged him to go to the hospital. I was amazed at his response; he told the members of Hatzalah that he cannot leave his post as a mashgiach unless there is a replacement for him. I have seen dedicated workers before, but this I have never seen. He was conscious, but he was weak, and he put his responsibility as a rabbi before his health. He is a person I look up to and emulate. I can only hope to be half the man he is today."

Alon is a dedicated mashgiach and we would like to publicly thank him for his dedication, especially in a time of personal crisis!