Since the release of The Kosher Housekeeper, the OK has distributed over 6,000 printed copies and downloads!

Dear Kosher Spirit,

Please send me a copy of the guide for household help in a kosher home. This is a wonderful idea, I have a lot of challenges with the home health aides who take care of my elderly parents. We explain, we label and separate everything in the kitchen, and still have many issues. This is wonderful, thank you! 

Wendy L.


Dear Kosher Spirit,

We at Kashrus Magazine were saddened to learn of the passing of Mrs. Wudowsky. For many years we had the privilege of working with her on a number of important projects.

First, she was our “go to” person for the wording of our Consumer Alerts we were publishing on products involving the OK. Her responses were quick, usually the first of all kashrus agencies, and clear.

But the other main area of our involvement was in the area of misuse of the OK kosher symbol. Often, we would contact her to investigate whether the OK claim was accurate. We worked together often on misuse in foreign countries and on company websites.

Always we found her easy to work with and a true professional.

May her memory be a blessing.
Rabbi Yosef Wikler


Dear Kosher Spirit,

I’d like to thank you for featuring my bubby, Mrs. Wudowsky, in the latest Kosher Spirit, may she be a meilitz yosher for all of us!

Chana G. S.