OK Kosher Certification, along with Klal Yisroel, are numb and heartbroken upon the news from Mumbai where our colleagues, our brothers and sisters, Hakedoshim Rabbi Gabi and Rebbetzin Rivka Holtzberg, Rabbi Leibush Teitelbaum, Rabbi Benzion Kruman, Yocheved Orpaz and Norma Schwartzenblat-Rabinovitz, were murdered in the terrorist attack on the Chabad House there.

Gabi and Rivka gave up the comforts of life in the West to share their love of Judaism and the warmth of their family with people of all backgrounds in India. With lots of hard work and dedication, they opened the Chabad House in Mumbai — a home to thousands of Jewish tourists, Israeli backpackers and international business-travelers.

Not only did Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg work hard for the people who lived in and visited India, he was a dedicated rabbi who made many regular and unannounced kashrus inspections on behalf of the OK to ensure that people all over the world would have kosher ingredients with out compromise.

The Holtzbergs were a ray of Jewish light in Mumbai, and like directors of thousands of Chabad centers worldwide, they proudly served on the frontlines of a raging spiritual battle—spreading Jewish knowledge and observance to the far-flung corners of the earth.

Gabi and Rivka made the ultimate sacrifice for their faith and their community. They lived and died as exemplars of the Jewish people. Two bright lights have been extinguished.

We have no words; we have no answers. We do not begin to understand G-d’s ways – and are not expected to. We only know that we must continue their life’s work; they deserve no less. A special fund has been set up for Chabad of India and for Moshe, their toddler son who just marked his second birthday. You can contribute to the fund at ChabadIndia.org as well as to TeitelbaumOrphanFund.org, and KrumanFoundation.com

During this Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, we remember the lights that were extinguished in Mumbai and pray for the ultimate light of redemption.